Sunday, May 15, 2016

Course reflection

The thing I liked most about the course was reading the novel "A Lesson Before Dying" it was one of the most novels I've ever read.  In the AP English course I have learned how to write a paper in MLA format correctly and how to type a synthesis and research paper.  The course well prepared me for the AP exam the professor practiced with us and made sure we knew what we were doing before we took the test.  If I had an opportunity to take this course again I would because I missed some things when I was out of class and I want to be smarter.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

ACT reflection

The section I  struggled with the most was reading because I can't read and comprehend what I read.  B.C. Rain did not do ACT Prep with us like they did with us like they did with the seniors last year.  The testing environment was uncomfortable and cold I could not concentrate properly because of the conditions. To improve my score I can learn to read fast and comprehend what I read so that I can answer the questionsame correctly. Truthfully I do not know what I made because I kept running out of time on different parts

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Letter to Governor

Dear governor,

I know that you may not see or read this because of your busy schedule as mayor but I have an opinion about the situation with Jefferson and his death role case.  My name is Jackson Smith. I am a veterinarian and I own a hospital downtown.  I am 24 years old, married to Yasmine Smith and we have 2 children.  I attended Tuskegee University where I earned my veterinary medicine degree.  I was born in Mobile, Alabama and attended B.C. Rain High School.

I met Jefferson at Tuskegee on my way to my class of the semester. I did not know where I was going until he passed by me and asked if I needed help.  We became good friends through the years we attended Tuskegee and had a lot of fun together.  Unfortunately because he was there longer than i had, he graduated before I did we lost communication with one another.

A few years later in saw on TV that Jefferson was being convincted of a triple homicide.  I saw that the verdict was guilty and he was put on death role.  In my opinion is don't think he should be killed. I know Jefferson and I know he wouldn't kill anyone, he may have a temper but I know he wouldn't hurt anyone.  Maybe he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Personally I do not believe in the death penalty because that is like playing God because you are taking someone off this earth.  Jefferson is a nice guy and I know that he would not have killed three people.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Lesson Before Dying chapter 18 and 19 quotes


"I'm not trying to confuse you, Jefferson.  She loves you, and I want you to give her something. Something that she can be proud of"

1. This characterizes Grant. Characterizes him as a helper.  He's trying to help him realize miss Emma loves him and cares about him very much.  He wants him to do something to make her happy because she is said that he might die hog.
2. This quote has conflict. The conflict between Grant and Jefferson. Grant is urging him to do something that will make her happy before jeffer Grant is urging him to do something for Miss Emma it will make your head that will make her happy before Jeff dies but he doesn't want to do it.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Lesson Before Dying Chapter 16 and 17 quotes

"I brought you some food,"Miss Emma told him. "I brought you a shirt too, a pretty. You to see it?" -Chapter 16 page 121

1. Does the quotation relate to theme? If so, which theme and howe does it relate?

- Yes, this quote has a theme. The theme is compassion from Miss Emma tourist Jefferson. She bringso some food and clothes to show she still loves him. She shows that she will not give up on him me easily by sending grant to visit him and try to help him.

2. Does this quotation characterize Grant, Jefferson, or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?

- Yes, it characterizes Miss Emma is a great mother. She thinks about him and buys him a shirt in brings Jefferson food. She wants him to be helped so she sends grant to visit him. Even though she knows he is ill in the mind and always angry  she won't give up on him. Even if she is not his real mother she still treat him like a son.

"How do the other prisoners treat him?" I asked 
1. Does the quotation relate to a theme? If so, which theme and how does it relate?

The theme is empathy towards Jefferson.  Grant wants to know if any of the prisoners bully him or try to hurt him in any way.  He may think that if anyone tries to hurt Jefferson he may go crazy again and hurt himself or someone else. 

2.  Does this quotation characterize Grant, Jefferson, or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?

The quotation characterizes Grant as a thoughtful person. He cares about the well-being of Jefferson to ask the deputy if anyone hurts him. Even though he is being forced to help Jefferson he still care about him enough to worry if he is being treated right in prison

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lesson Before Dying Chapter 14 Quote

"Sounds kind of whorish to me--Molly Wiggins"

#1. Yes, this quotation indicates a conflict. The conflict is Vivian and Grant are tryin to think of a good name for a child and Vivian wants it to be Molly if it's a girl. Grant thinks the name sounds whorish and they later decide that the name will be Pauline if it's a girl and Paul if it's a boy.

#2.  Yes, this quote characterizes Grant. He is characterized as a thoughtful father because he doesn't want his daughter to sound like or be a whore.  Vivian says "Then let her decide.  If she likes, we'll keep it.  If she doesn't, we'll call her Pauline." That shows that she agrees with him and is willing to change it if necessary.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Temporary Escape

My temporary escape would be Destin,Florida. Destin is peaceful and fun I can sit on the beach and hear the waves crashing against the shore and think or read.